Our story traces back to a weekend getaway, where I stumbled upon a luxurious natural hot spring in Apple Valley, CA that redefined my understanding of self-care. That moment of serenity sparked a vision within me – to create a space where anyone could experience that same feeling of escape and comfort.

This vision fueled my curiosity and determination. I delved into the world of tubs, learning about design, materials, and the intricate technology that could turn an ordinary bath into an extraordinary experience. Countless trade shows and hours of research later, I was armed with the knowledge needed to curate a collection that truly epitomized luxury and quality.

But our journey wasn't just about tubs; it was about understanding you – our customers. I recognized that choosing a tub was a personal journey, influenced by your lifestyle and preferences. This insight led to a commitment to offer tailored advice and personalized service, ensuring that each tub we offer is a perfect fit for your unique needs.

The more I learned, the more I wanted to share and as our expertise expanded, so did our reach. We ventured into the online realm, making our carefully curated collection accessible to a wider audience. Amidst the digital landscape, our commitment to personalization remained unwavering, as I believe that your journey towards the perfect tub should be guided by a human touch.

Today, our company stands as a testament to our unyielding passion for elevating the bathing experience. From that transformative moment at the hot springs to the creation of a brand that celebrates the art of relaxation, this journey has been a remarkable one.

As you explore our collections, I invite you to discover the joy of luxurious bathing, and let our tubs redefine what self-care means to you.

Founder of Luxury Tubs Direct


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